IQA Trustee Applications Now Open
The International Quadball Association (IQA) is seeking new Trustees to serve on its Board. Interested candidates should carefully review the details below and submit their application by February 28, 2025. Trustee elections will take place during the Annual General...
IQA World Cup 2025 to be hosted in Brussels and Tubize, Belgium
The IQA and Belgian Quadball Federation is excited to announce the IQA 2025 World Cup will be hosted at Brussels and Proximus Basecamp, Tubize, Belgium on July 11-13 next year. In July next year quadball players around the world will travel to the heart of Europe,...
First IQA Community Survey Launched!
Submit your answers to our first ever community-wide survey, launched by the IQA Strategic Planning Committee.
IQA Rulebook 2024 Released
The IQA Rulebook 2024 is live. Here, we summarise the changes and share the new rulebook.
New Executive Director Announced
We’re excited to welcome Bobby Click to the International Quadball Association, who will be joining us as our IQA Executive Director.
IQA Executive Director (ED) Applications are Now Open
The International Quadball Association (IQA) is looking for the new volunteerExecutive Director (ED).
Board of Trustees Positions Announced
We are thrilled to announce the newly appointed positions of the Board of Trustees for the year 2024.
European Games 2024 Announced
The IQA and QuadballUK are excited to announce that the European Games 2024 are confirmed and will take place on 27-28 July at King’s House Sports Grounds in London.
Quadball Around the World: Ugandan Tour
This past week, a team of 7 players from Quadball Uganda loaded their hoops onto their bus and set out to bring our wonderful sport to no fewer than 4 new communities!
Trustee Election & Management Updates
We are excited to announce a number of changes to our Board of Trustees and IQA management team.
IQA Trustee Applications are Now Open
We’re looking for new Trustees to serve on our Board. Find out more or apply.
IQA 2024 Events Update
Due to a lack of submitted event bids, the IQA is not currently planning to host any events in 2024.
Gender Representation in Quadball Survey: Results and Exemption Recommendations
The IQA is pleased to release the detailed Gender Representation in Quadball Survey results and exemption recommendations for the ‘3-max’ gender rule.
IQA 2023 Membership Report Released
The Membership and Gameplay department is pleased to release the 2023 membership report.
IQA Adopts the “3-Max” Gender Policy
The IQA is thrilled to announce a historic change to the sport — the introduction of what has been known unofficially as the “3-Max” policy into the international level of the sport.
Rules Team & Rules Committee Open Positions
The IQA Rules Department has open positions available on both the Rules Team and Rules Committee.
Bidding for IQA Events 2024-2025 is open
The International Quadball Association is pleased to open bidding for its 2024-25 event cycle, including all three Continental Games in 2024 and the World Cup in 2025.
IQA Management Hub Updates
We’re excited to announce our latest IQA Management Hub updates.
Rules Change Proposals
The Rules Team has completed their proposals for changes to the rulebook for 2023.
The US National Team takes home the trophy at IQA World Cup 2023
After 2 days of intense competition, the United States National Team emerged as the ultimate victors.
Changes to the IQA Board: New & Departing Trustees
The IQA is excited to announce several changes to the Board of Trustees.
Rules Tests Available Announcement
The rules tests for the 2022-23 rulebook are now available. Along with the new tests, there have been some changes to the nature of the tests and the testing system.
IQA announces new Executive Director
The IQA is happy to announce that Aaron Carroll has been appointed as our Executive Director.
IQA World Cup 2023 Roster Eligibility Exceptions
We are excited to be releasing the Roster Eligibility Exceptions for IQA World Cup 2023!
Trustee Election Announcement
The International Quidditch Association (IQA) is looking for new trustees to serve on its Board.
New Rules 2022 Text Released
The IQA Rules Team is releasing the updated text of the rules for this season.
IQA Announces Management Changes
The IQA is excited to announce a few changes to its management.
How the IQA uses inclusive language
Research has shown that the language we use can influence the way we see the world. As ‘inclusivity’ is one of the core values of the IQA, we try to ensure the language we use is inclusive as well.
IQA World Cup Updates
The IQA and USQ are really excited to announce the dates for the IQA World Cup 2023!
Rulebook Change Proposals Result
The results of the new rules process are announced here. The full rulebook text will be released in August.
Quadball İsim Değişikliğine İlişkin Basın Açıklaması
19 Temmuz Salı günü, IQA, daha önce quidditch olarak bilinen spor için “quadball” adını benimsemede USQ ve MLQ’yu takip edeceğini duyurmayı planlıyor.
l’Association Internationale de Quidditch (IQA) annonce le changement imminent de “Quidditch” vers le terme ”Quadball”.
L’IQA se joint à Quidditch US (USQ) et la Major League Quidditch (MLQ) dans le changement du nom du sport de “Quidditch” à “Quadball” applicable à l’échelle mondiale.
IQA gibt Umbenennung von „Quidditch“ auf „Quadball“ bekannt
Die IQA folgt US Quidditch (USQ) und Major League Quidditch (MLQ) in der Umbenennung der Sportart von „Quidditch“ auf „Quadball“ weltweit.
La IQA Annuncia L’Imminente Passaggio da “Quidditch” a “Quadball”
La IQA si unirà a US Quidditch (USQ) e Major League Quidditch (MLQ) nel cambiare il nome dello sport da “quidditch” a “quadball” su base mondiale.
IQA anuncia que cambiará de “Quidditch” a “Quadball”
La IQA se unirá a la US Quidditch (USQ) y la Major League Quidditch (MLQ) para cambiar el nombre del deporte de “quidditch” a “quadball” a nivel mundial.
IQA Announces Upcoming Change of “Quidditch” to “Quadball”
The IQA will be joining US Quidditch (USQ) and Major League Quidditch (MLQ) in changing the name of the sport from “quidditch” to “quadball” on a worldwide basis.
International Quidditch Association prepares for European Games 2022
The International Quidditch Association (IQA) is excited to be running the IQA European Games 2022 taking place in Limerick, Ireland.
Marmer Named Interim Chief of Staff
The IQA is pleased to announce that Andy Marmer has been appointed as Interim Chief of Staff.
IQA Rulebook process update
Starting with the rules that go into effect in the summer of 2022 (the process occurring in December 2021 through mid-year 2022), the IQA will be instituting a new rulebook process.
New Rulebook Proposals
The rules team have finalized their proposals and it’s time to release the proposals to the public.
Trustee Applications Now Open
The International Quidditch Association (IQA) is looking for new trustees to serve on its Board.
IQA Name Change Committee Recommend Change in Name of “Quidditch”
The IQA Name Change Committee today recommended that the IQA Board of Trustees formally pursue changing the name of “quidditch.”
Changes to the IQA Board: departing Trustees, new Trustee and new Officers
The IQA is pleased to announce several changes to the Board of Trustees.
IQA bildet Komitee über potentielle Namensänderung des Sports
Nach der gemeinsamen Ankündigung durch US Quidditch und Major League Quidditch über den Beginn einer neuen Namensfindung für die reale Version des Quidditch in den USA hat auch die IQA ein internes Komitee gebildet, um über die internationale Umsetzung dieser Änderungen zu beraten.
La IQA Crea un Comitato per Esaminare il Cambio Nome dello Sport
In seguito all’annuncio congiunto di US Quidditch e Major League Quidditch, nel quale rivelano di aver iniziato il processo di selezione di un nuovo nome per la versione “real-life” del quidditch negli United States, la IQA ha costituito un comitato internazionale al fine di considerare qualora questo cambiamento vada portato avanti a livello internazionale.
La IQA forma un comité para explorar la posibilidad de cambiar el nombre del deporte
Trás el anuncio dado en conjunto por US Quidditch y la Major League Quidditch de que han comenzado con el proceso para elegir un nuevo nombre para la versión en la vida real del Quidditch en Estados Unidos, la IQA ha formado un comité interno para considerar si estos cambios deberían hacerse también internacionalmente.
L’IQA forme un comité pour explorer le changement de nom du sport
Suite à l’annonce conjointe par l’US Quidditch et la Major League Quidditch du démarrage du processus de sélection d’un nouveau nom pour le quidditch aux États-Unis, l’IQA a formé un comité interne pour considérer si ces changements devaient être effectués internationalement.
IQA Forms Committee to Explore Name Change of Sport
The IQA has formed an internal committee to consider whether USQ’s sport name changes should be made internationally.
Ganadores de los Juegos Continentales IQA 2022
La IQA se complace en anunciar las sedes ganadoras y las fechas de los Juegos Continentales IQA 2022.
Déclaration de l’IQA concernant le changement de nom de l’USQ et de la MLQ
Ces derniers jours, de nombreuses discussions ont eu lieu sur les réseaux sociaux et dans la presse en réaction à l’annonce de l’US Quidditch (USQ) et de la Major League Quidditch (MLQ) concernant le changement de nom du sport aux États Unis.
Annuncio della IQA nei confronti del
Negli ultimi giorni sono sorte molte discussioni sui social media e tra i giornali in reazione all’annuncio di US Quidditch (USQ) e di Major League Quidditch (MLQ) relativo all’inizio del processo di scelta di un nuovo nome per il nostro sport negli USA.
Declaración de la IQA sobre el cambio de nombre de USQ y MLQ
En los últimos días, se ha debatido mucho en las redes sociales y en la prensa en respuesta al anuncio de US Quidditch (USQ) y Major League Quidditch (MLQ) acerca de que están en el proceso de cambiar el nombre del deporte en Estados Unidos.
Keegan Remy-Miller steps down as Gameplay Director
The IQA is sad to announce that Keegan Remy-Miller has stepped down as Gameplay Director.
Statement from the IQA about USQ, MLQ name change
The International Quidditch Association official response to the proposed name change of the sport in the US.
IQA Trustee Applications Open
The International Quidditch Association (IQA) is looking for new trustees to serve on its board.
IQA Website Updates and Referee Hub Redevelopment
Changes to the IQA Website and details of the ongoing Referee Hub Redevelopment.
IQA Continental Games 2022 Location Finalists Announced
The IQA is happy to announce the finalists for the 2022 IQA Continental Games.
Peru joins the IQA as a Full Member
The IQA is happy to announce that Federación Deportiva Peruana de Quidditch (FDPQ) is the newest Full Member of the IQA.
Translations Update
Translated tests for Assistant and Snitch Referee positions are now available in Brazilian Portuguese, along with the Rulebook now available in French.
IQA Continental Games 2022 bidding
The IQA is opening bids for the IQA Continental Games 2022.
IQA Copa Mundial y Conclusiones del Comité BIPOC
La Asociación Internacional de Quidditch ha decidido celebrar la próxima Copa Mundial de la IQA en 2023 y ha confirmado Richmond, Virginia, EE.UU. como la anfitriona escogida para el evento.
IQA World Cup and IQA BIPOC Committee Findings
The International Quidditch Association has decided to host the next IQA World Cup in 2023 and has confirmed Richmond, Virginia, USA as the chosen venue for the event.
The IQA announces new directors
We are excited to announce the new Directors after the IQA organization restructure.
The IQA Announces the new organisational structure
After a thorough analysis and consultations with relevant stakeholders, we’re reorganizing the operational side of the organization.
The IQA announces two new Trustees
The International Quidditch Association is happy to announce one new and one re-elected Trustee.
IQA Continental Games 2021 cancelled
The International Quidditch Association regrets to announce that the IQA Board of Trustees has decided to cancel the IQA Continental Games 2021 due to the current COVID-19 situation,
IQA Continental Games 2022 Bidding Winners
The IQA is happy to announce the winning locations and dates for the IQA Continental Games 2022.
The IQA is looking for new trustees to serve on its board
Trustees serve as part of a small group that makes governing decisions for the IQA. The trustees have a direct hand in shaping the future of the organization and the sport overall.
IQA Continental Games 2021 Finalists
The IQA is happy to announce the finalists for the 2021 IQA Continental Games.
Evaluating the Safety and Accessibility of Potential IQA Event Locations
The recently announced postponement of World Cup 2021 gives an opportunity for the IQA’s BIPOC Committee to engage with stakeholders to determine more event host selection criteria sensitive to the needs and desires of all potential event attendees.
New Referee Certification Policy for 2020/2021 Season
Following the release of the 2020 Rulebook, the IQA is happy to share changes to the Referee Certification System as well as the introduction of referee training.
Bidding for the IQA Continental Games 2021 is open
Following the recent postponement of the IQA World Cup 2021 and taking into consideration feedback received from the NGBs, the IQA has decided to open bids for the 2021 IQA Continental Games.
The IQA World Cup has been postponed
After consulting with event partners and NGBs, the International Quidditch Association and US Quidditch have decided to postpone the IQA World Cup from 2021 to either 2022 or 2023.
The Changelog for the Rulebook 2020 is out
As we head into a new season, the rulebook is being finished, and will be released very soon. However, we wanted to give players a heads up on some of the changes that are on their way.
The IQA Annual Report 2019 is online
The IQA is happy to share the Annual Report 2019, a document that summarizes the activities of the associations in the last year and sets the basis for the future.
Applications open for a new BIPOC Committee for IQA Events
We are looking for a diverse committee to assist with consultation with our Events department.
The IQA publishes the Harassment Policy
The International Quidditch Association is happy to share the new Harassment Policy, which has been approved by the IQA Board of Trustees.
Head Referee Fee Waiver
The IQA Gameplay department have made changes to the referee testing to try and benefit referees during this COVID-19 pandemic.
IQA World Cup 2020 postponed to 2021
The IQA and US Quidditch have decided to postpone the IQA World Cup 2020 to July 31-August 1, 2021, following the growing uncertainty and risks related to the spread of COVID-19 globally. The 2021 event will still be held in the U.S., in Richmond, VA at Glover Park.
COVID-19 Updates
Our Covid-19 updates from March 2020.
The IQA welcomes three new Trustees
The International Quidditch Association is happy to announce the names of the 3 new Trustees: Borja Arbosa (Spain), David Jonsson (Sweden), Kym Couch (USA).
Trustee Applications Are Now Open
The International Quidditch Association (IQA) is looking for new trustees to serve on its board.
IQA World Cup 2020 to be held in Richmond, United States
The International Quidditch Association is proud to announce the location of the IQA World Cup 2020.